Be Subject to Governing Authorities
Rom 13:1 Let every person submit himself to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are put in place by God.
Rom 13:2 So whoever opposes the authority has resisted God’s direction, and those who have resisted will bring judgment on themselves.
Origin of Rom 13:
Ex 18:1-27, Num 11:10-30. Deu 1:9-18, Deu 16:18-20, Deu 17:6-13
Who are the leaders chosen by?
Was Moses perfect?
Are we looking for a flawless leader?
Human instinct to throw off authority or to discredit leadership?
God’s gifts are irrevocable (Rom 11:29)
Authority structure in the Tanak (Judah’s role):
- Gen 49:10
- Judah leads, Gen 44:8, 46:28, Ex 31:1-5, Num 7:12, 10:14, 1Chr 5:1,2, 28:4, Ps 60:7, Jer 33:14-26, Zech 12:4-9, Hosea 11:12
It is no surprise that Judah is the first back in the land (Promise) today. This fact is our best proof, that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the One True God.
Why does Yeshua mention the prodigal son? Luke 15:11-45
Rav Shual/Paul explains the importance of Judah. (Rom 3:1,2 Zech 8:23, Ruth 1:16,17, 2:8, John 4:22, Rom 11:18)
First Century Authority Structure:
Who is the Sanhedrin council?
What does Yeshua have to say about authority?
- Matt 8:1-10, (faith test) Luke 2:46,47, 2:51,52 (honor mother and father Ex 20:12. Lev 19:3. Deu 5:16)
- Yeshua submits unto death, Mark 14:60,61
Rav Shual/Paul is an authority. Act 15:22, 17:1,2, 17:10,11, 18:4-19, 19:8.
Rav Shual/Paul is under authority (A Rabbi, without a Rabbi is not a Rabbi) Act 15:24-29, 21:18-27, 23:5
Rav Shual/Paul promotes elders and ordains them. Act 14:23, 1Cor 16:15,16, 1Th 5:12,13, 2Th 3:14, 1Tim 5:1, 17-20, Tit 1:5, Heb 13:17, Jam 5:14, 1Pet 5:1-9, 2Joh 1:1, 3Joh 1:1
Rav Shual/Paul lays out elder qualifications. 1Tim 3:13, (which refers to Torah Ex 18:21-27, Num 11:16-30, Deu 1:13-18)
Scriptural consequences of rebelling against authority.
- Encroachment Lev 10
- Lashon Harah (evil speech/slander) Num 12 “leprosy”
- Usurping authority. Num 16:1-50 (spots reference, Jude 1-13)
- Rebelling against authority. Acts 5
Necessity of Authorities/Mentors:
- Eph 4:9-16 Has this been fulfilled?
B’nai Elohim Fellowship
Rom 13:2 So whoever opposes the authority has resisted God’s direction, and those who have resisted will bring judgment on themselves.
Origin of Rom 13:
Ex 18:1-27, Num 11:10-30. Deu 1:9-18, Deu 16:18-20, Deu 17:6-13
Who are the leaders chosen by?
Was Moses perfect?
Are we looking for a flawless leader?
Human instinct to throw off authority or to discredit leadership?
God’s gifts are irrevocable (Rom 11:29)
Authority structure in the Tanak (Judah’s role):
- Gen 49:10
- Judah leads, Gen 44:8, 46:28, Ex 31:1-5, Num 7:12, 10:14, 1Chr 5:1,2, 28:4, Ps 60:7, Jer 33:14-26, Zech 12:4-9, Hosea 11:12
It is no surprise that Judah is the first back in the land (Promise) today. This fact is our best proof, that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the One True God.
Why does Yeshua mention the prodigal son? Luke 15:11-45
Rav Shual/Paul explains the importance of Judah. (Rom 3:1,2 Zech 8:23, Ruth 1:16,17, 2:8, John 4:22, Rom 11:18)
First Century Authority Structure:
Who is the Sanhedrin council?
What does Yeshua have to say about authority?
- Matt 8:1-10, (faith test) Luke 2:46,47, 2:51,52 (honor mother and father Ex 20:12. Lev 19:3. Deu 5:16)
- Yeshua submits unto death, Mark 14:60,61
Rav Shual/Paul is an authority. Act 15:22, 17:1,2, 17:10,11, 18:4-19, 19:8.
Rav Shual/Paul is under authority (A Rabbi, without a Rabbi is not a Rabbi) Act 15:24-29, 21:18-27, 23:5
Rav Shual/Paul promotes elders and ordains them. Act 14:23, 1Cor 16:15,16, 1Th 5:12,13, 2Th 3:14, 1Tim 5:1, 17-20, Tit 1:5, Heb 13:17, Jam 5:14, 1Pet 5:1-9, 2Joh 1:1, 3Joh 1:1
Rav Shual/Paul lays out elder qualifications. 1Tim 3:13, (which refers to Torah Ex 18:21-27, Num 11:16-30, Deu 1:13-18)
Scriptural consequences of rebelling against authority.
- Encroachment Lev 10
- Lashon Harah (evil speech/slander) Num 12 “leprosy”
- Usurping authority. Num 16:1-50 (spots reference, Jude 1-13)
- Rebelling against authority. Acts 5
Necessity of Authorities/Mentors:
- Eph 4:9-16 Has this been fulfilled?
B’nai Elohim Fellowship